[mythtv-users] nuvexport problem with KnoppMyth R5D1

Chris Petersen lists at forevermore.net
Fri Nov 24 19:08:54 UTC 2006

Tero Mäntyvaara wrote:
> In R5D1 I was trying to convert original recording file (MPEG) to DIVX,
> but first I got that
> 	Illegal division by zero
> message that has mentioned in KnoppMyth forum, but after I put
> force_aspect in nuvexportrc I got message that said

That sounds like the bug that was fixed last week.

> 	ffmpeg had critical errors:
> 	ffmpeg: unrecognized option '-vtag'
> that has ALSO mentioned in KnoppMyth forum.
> -> So I assume that ffmpeg did not recognise the option -vtag.

-vtag has been around for a long time, and still exists in my installed
copy (SVN-r6835), which is fairly recent.

Unless they've left it in the help text but renamed it internally.

Might help if you provided the version info from ffmpeg, and nuvexport, too.


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