[mythtv-users] [mythtv] MythTv Player 0.2 for Windows

Mikkel Bystrup Stensgaard mikkel at sudu.dk
Fri Nov 24 07:59:12 UTC 2006

Iohan Reyes wrote:
> This does not work for me.  When I try to play a recording from the
> listing dialog box, I get an error that says:
> Could not open stream 'myth://'
> Could this be because my master backend is, which is what I
> put in the config.xml file?  Should it be able to stream from slave
> backends?  Am I missing something simple here?
> My master backend is HD, and I don't even want to try streaming the HD
> recordings... the slave backend above ( is SD.
I never thought about slave-backends, so that is the short and simple 
answer :)
The player simply opens everything from the backend specified in the 
config file.
It should be a quite easy fix if as the hostname(ip) is in the filename 
of the recording. This means that the recording is physically on the 
slave-backend.. right?

I will probably send you a version to test in a week or so. Of course it 
should work with multiple backends, and it should be an easy task to fix.

btw. It actually does play HD content, and I have had positive feedback 
that it actually works.. Even though it is only played in stereo and the 
first audio track is always selected.


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