[mythtv-users] 720p on a LG Plasma 50" 50PC3D

MacNean Tyrrell dardack at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 14:45:57 UTC 2006

So i just picked up my 50" Plasma in replacement of my DLP LG.  So i can't
get 1280x720 to display.  The manual does say it will do 720p on the RGB
connection, but it must detect that a pc is connected and it won't let me go
beyond 1024.  If i have EDID scan on, XF won't let me go to 1280, saying
that it goes beyond the EDID avail of 1024, than if i put the Option
"IgnoreEDID" "on" than the TV displays invalid format.  Was wondering if
anyone had the same issues on any of their TV's, and if they were able to
get around it.  Please help, i miss the HD display from my MYTHTV Box.


MacNean C. Tyrrell
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