[mythtv-users] PATCH: enable mythweb streaming via .asx

catfish catfish at halfdone.com
Tue Nov 7 09:46:46 UTC 2006

> I gave the patch a shot on my system but I'm still getting myth:// links 
> in Firefox under windows

After some digging I found the reason. video_url function in 
mythweb/includes/utils.php (lines 317-344) has the Pseudocode:
   if (mythweb global setting overide is set), then use that
   if user_agent contains linux|macintosh|mac os x, then use handler.pl
   if backend & remote_host are on different lans, then use handler.pl
   else use myth:// url.

So in my case since it's not linux or mac and both computers are on my 
lan it was using myth:// urls. As a quick edit I just commented out the 
linux/mac check condition (lines 330) leaving just the return line 
without condition.

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