[mythtv-users] Unable to Stream TV Recordings from Mythweb

Tony Chiaffredo m3tony at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 22:32:06 UTC 2006

Hello fellow Myth'ers!

I'm running .20 and I upgraded my Knoppmyth install using Cecil's directions


That all went just fine.

I've searched and seen a couple of posts that are exactly what I'm running
into. Problem is that I don't see a real resolution in those posts.


Here is another poster that seems to be having the same issue.

I am now not able to Stream recordings via Mythweb. It's my understanding
that I should be able to click on the recording preview image or title, and
the recording will be streamed via http.

I navigate to the recorded programs link (

Click on the title (, and no joy.
Pages time out, and I'm not seeing any apache error.log entries.

I have verified the rewrite rule in .htaccess, and I have verified that I
have the correct handler.pl file. I really don't know where to look next.

Any help would be great.

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