[mythtv-users] OT: Re: vonage Voicemail Waiting Indicator on mythtv

James Armstrong james at thearmstrongs.org
Thu Mar 16 12:49:58 UTC 2006

William wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Hey guys, what about voicemail checking using the mythfrontend?? Anyone know
> if the app has been written??  I have vonage now and will be retiring my
> answering machine.
> --------------------------
> I do not know of any script that will check for voicemail messages but I
> know that the info is passed to the box somehow, most likely as sip packets.
> I would find this a more useful tool than the caller id since ID is built
> into my phone. My only complaint with vonage voicemail is the lack of a good
> message waiting indicator. Myth would be a great place to display the
> notice.
I was able to get the voicemail waiting indicator from vonage in the 
past. I will look and see if I can find it.

- James
> Anyone interested in taking on the task?
> Bill
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