[mythtv-users] tv_grab_nl

Marcel Janssen korgull at home.nl
Tue Mar 7 20:23:57 UTC 2006

Hi Paul,

I've use the following command as suggested by peter with tv_grab_nl_py.

mythfilldatabase --graboptions "--slow --nocattrans --compat --slowdays 7"

Although it fetches all data nicely, it just doesn't show up in the program 
guide. But, in some menus like the category browser I can see the data.
In the setup, the xml ID is configured like "1.tvgids.nl", shouldn't this be 
enough to link the channel to the fetched data ?
I used tv_grab_nl_gert before, not the normal tv_grab_nl.

Anything I can do to make it work again ?


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