[mythtv-users] Capture card with component video in?

Chad masterclc at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 07:47:30 UTC 2006

On 7/26/06, Justin Hornsby <justin.hornsby at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26/07/06, Justin Hornsby <justin.hornsby at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Did you know that a good proportion of video decoders (the bit on
> > tuner cards which digitises the video) these days have the capacity to
> > take component or RGB inputs?  Of course they probably _can't_
> > digitise anything above 720p (some even less I expect) but the
> > difference in capture quality would be worth having all the same.  Yet
> > all the tuner card manufacturers choose not to provide these kind of
> > inputs - go figure.
> >
> > I'm amazed that nobody has messed about with this - in theory it'd be
> > quite easy to modify a tuner card to provide the required input
> > configuration and modify the driver slightly (to set the video
> > decoder's registers accordingly).. but to date I've not been able to
> > find any information about it having been done.
> >
> Oh and it'd also be quite easy to add SPDIF digital inputs to a PVR
> card, armed with the driver source, the card's schematics and
> datasheets :-)  But again, I can't find any evidence  that anyone has
> even tried it.
> _______________________________________________

I think the biggest reason is probably that it would be an expensive
venture.  If it worked, it might be worth it.  But, at what ~150 bucks
a pop for a decent Linux HD card from pcHDTV and ~100 bucks for a
PVR-x50/x00 hardware card, it seems like a bit much for your average
'hacker' to shell out for 'testing'.

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