[mythtv-users] Remote access to mythtv

Tony H ahuebel at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 13:46:56 UTC 2006

That does sound like a reasonable approach. There doesnt seem to be a
realistic way to buffer MPEG2 (if indeed it takes 10Mb/s to stream) on a
normal internet upload. Are there lesser quality compression algorithms that
we could use?

On 7/18/06, Sam Leathers <disasm at gentux.org> wrote:
> Wait... I thought cool and geeky were synonyms ;-) I guess I've been
> wrong all these years.
> Anyways back on topic... I'll look into mythstreamtv, hadn't heard of
> that before. With mythstream, could you start streaming it say an hour
> before you want to watch the show, then start watching it in decent
> quality? That might be a good way to get girls... errr maybe not if cool
> and geeky aren't the same thing anymore :-P
> Sam
> Chad wrote:
> > On 7/18/06, Tony H <ahuebel at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Is WAN use really possible? Can you actually send video over the
> Internet to
> >> another location with mythboxes on each end?
> >>
> >
> > Is it physically possible, sure.  Do you have to degrade the quality
> > of your recordings *a lot*?  Yep.  But, if you've got a small screen
> > on the receiving end, the degradation is really not too bad.  Such is
> > the case with some of the people using the following setup:
> >
> > At home:
> > A MythTV system (ideally setup with something that does mpeg4
> > recording in realtime, such as the Plextor thingies) and a decent
> > 'always on' connection of some sort.
> >
> > In the car:
> > A cell phone with bluetooth enabled as well as internet.  Something
> > like Verizon's EVDO (? can't remember off hand for sure) is supposedly
> > fast enough...  Setup myth in the car to display on the LCD's you've
> > got stashed all over.  Receive the video info (and the small database
> > info) via the wireless internet phone, bluetooth-connected to your
> > myth system that in turn displays the video.  The other part that is
> > necessary is probably something like mythstreamtv where you have VLC
> > do some on the fly conversions to qualities you are able to actually
> > stream.
> >
> > Ideal?  No.  Cool?  Definitely not.  Geeky?  Absolutely!
> >
> > :D
> >
> > I can't find the website right now to give the guy credit who does
> > this, but rest assured, it's out there.
> >
> > -Chad
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