[mythtv-users] Myth HD - requirements?

Brad Templeton brad+myth at templetons.com
Tue Jul 18 21:11:15 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 02:49:54PM -0600, Mark Lehrer wrote:
> I use the pchdtv card, and play the raw mpegs back directly.  A lot
> of people transcode though.

Really?  Most of the threads about transcoding hdtv to mpeg4 contain
talk of audio sync problems.   Who are the people who are transcoding?
> I tried a lot of different combinations - the least powerful one that
> worked without ever dropping frames was an AMD x2 3800.

I've seen reports with newer codecs all the way down to athlon 2600s I
think.   However, I personally use a P4-3hgz.  It's more than enough, but
not that much more than enough.

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