[mythtv-users] Upgraded to SVN now having issues

BlackCamera chnewcomb at ev1.net
Wed Jul 12 19:36:02 UTC 2006

Kevin Kuphal wrote:
> BlackCamera wrote:
>> All,
>>   Recently I upgraded to SVN, to take advantage of myth archive.
>> However after upgrading I find that mythfrontend is now a turtle.  I can
>> start mythfrontend, and wait about 5 minutes before the whole front menu
>> displays, same for any of the sub menus.  It doesn't matter what theme
>> I've used so far (G.A.N.T. and Blue).  Even when I am using myth
>> archive, it is so painfully slow to select items that I've given up.
>> I am using AMD Duron(tm) 1.1Ghz with 1.5 Gb ram.  I'm at a loss at what
>> could be causing the slowness, any suggestions are appreciated.
> What screen painter are you using?  There is an option in the frontend 
> to use either QT or OpenGL (do your menus fade in?).  Perhaps it is 
> using OpenGL and your OpenGL isn't up to snuff.
> Kevin

  Thanks, it seems it was a opengl issue, as when i ran mythfrontend
like mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt. mythfrontend was back to its
rabbit self.


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