[mythtv-users] PVR-350 remote?
Henrik Gammelmark
mythtv at geemark.com
Tue Jul 11 14:19:46 UTC 2006
David Schmidt wrote:
> On 7/10/06, Henrik Gammelmark <mythtv at geemark.com> wrote:
>>I am having difficulties understanding how lirc works with the PVR-350
>>remote (the "new" one) and MythTV.
> I'm far from an expert (why I didn't respond at 1st), but I recently
> got mine working so will offer what I can.
Appreciate it!
>>I have installed lirc, and lircd is running as a deamon.
>>In /etc/lirc/lircd.conf I have pasted the mapping from IR signals to
>>names, that I found on the net.
>>In /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc, I have put the mappings from the latter
>>names onto Myth commands.
> Just ensure that it is for the "new" version of the remote. There
> were 3 different versions that were incompatible (or so I've
> heard--I've only got the new one).
>>When I run mythfrontend, it connects to the lircd deamon (or at least
>>some socket somewhere), and it reads the lircrc file fine (at least it
>>doesn't report errors, and complaints if the file is not there).
>>My problem then is, that when mythfrontend starts up, the keys are all
>>messed up. E.g. the "8" key is up, while "2" is down etc. Does
>>mythfrontend ignore the mappings in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf because it
>>autodetects a PVR-350, and uses some built-in mappings from the old
>>PVR-350 remote (which has different IR mappings, I read somewhere)?
> Which screen does it do this on? It is documented that in some
> screens the numbers act like the cursor keys on a PC numeric keypad,
> so indeed 8 would be up, 2 down, 4 left, 6 right.
> If this is somewhere that numbers would make sense though ignore that comment.
What do you mean "which screen"? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
>>Other weird symptons:
>>- The lircd deamon seams to shut down whenever mythfrontend starts
>>- "irw" terminates instantly and also seem to kill the lircd deamon
> Aha!!! This sounds like what I had:
> - Boot up or restard lircd.
> - First irw returns immediately with no error
> - (lircd dies)
> - Subsequent irw invocations error out "connection refused."
That is 100% what I observed too :)
> If that is what you see, check your logs (/var/log/messages on FC3, I
> presume on Debian as well) for an error about can't open /dev/lirc.
> If that's the case, and /dev has a /dev/lirc0, modify your lircd
> startup script to change
> lircd
> to
> lircd -d lirc0
I only have a /dev/lircd - and if I try to use that it says the following:
# lircd -d /dev/lircd
lircd: refusing to connect to myself
lircd: device and output must not be the same file: /dev/lircd
Am I missing some kernel support for lirc?
I am btw using the debian apt version of lirc, if that matters!
> (from memory here. Hope that's right. Not at the box right now. If
> it doesn't like that argument, search the archives--that's where I
> found it or post back and I'll check tonight).
> Then kill and restart lircd. Hopefully that fixes it.
>>Using Debian testing on linux
>>Running MythTV 0.19.20060121-2 (SVN) with PVR-350 and PVR-500.
> DS
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