[mythtv-users] mplayer stopping in middle.

Al McIntosh junkmail at allanmcintosh.com
Fri Feb 3 18:22:59 UTC 2006

chris king wrote:

>it just goes back to the menu on myth.
>i have not tried it from the command line. but it should do the same,
>the program is the same, whether its run from myth or the command line.
>Nick wrote:
>>On 03/02/06, chris king <cking at tntskynet.com> wrote:
>>>i have a epia mii  frontend, and i ripped the whole vobs of a dvd,
>>>mplayer starts to play them, and in the middle or so, it just stops..
>>What does mplayer output when it stops?
>>Does it happen with other DVDs?
>>Does it happen when running mplayer via mythvideo as well as from the
>>command line?

Also, when you start mplayer hit 'o' twice to display the index position 
and the total length of the video to verify the total length is what you 
expect. If the video length is as long as you feel it is, can you skip 
past the point mplayer keeps stopping at?

try mplayer -ss

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