[mythtv-users] recording formats - standard cable

David Bower dbower at mesd.k12.or.us
Fri Dec 15 22:28:41 UTC 2006

Brian Wood wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Brett Kosinski wrote:
>>     I have some confusion as to what format I should be recording in.
>>     I have a haupage pvr-150 and am recording straight out of the
>>     wall cable ( 70 Channels no set top box. ).
>>     I do not have my myth box setup to display on a TV. Instead I
>>     just display on my 20 inch ( 1680 x 1050 ) widescreen monitor.
>>     I have it setup to record 720 x 480 lines.  Im assuming that I am
>>     getting some benefit from this setting recording from standard cable.
>> Actually, given that you're pulling straight from coax, you could
>> probably reduce that to 640x480 or even 480x480.  But much of this is
>> quite subjective, so it's often worth it to play with the settings
>> until you get something you like.  Remember, generally speaking, at a
>> given bitrate, the higher the resolution, the lower the encoding
>> quality, as there's more frame to encode.  So if there's no increase
>> in detail going from 480x480 -> 720x480, your encoding quality will
>> end up suffering for no good reason.
>> As an aside, there is one other major reason to capture at 720x480: 
>> it's the native resolution of a DVD.  Thus no scaling is necessary if
>> you plan to burn the content.
> That is very true, and a useful point.
> Have a look at :
> http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/tutorial/bitrate.html
> Note that there is a plateau beyond which all you are doing is making
> your files larger.
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Great Info... Thanks guys !

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