[mythtv-users] Problem scheduling programs

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Thu Aug 17 00:45:14 UTC 2006

On 08/16/2006 07:54 AM, Ramanraj Vamsi wrote:

> I built Myth tv on suse linux with Hauppauge pvr 150 and scanned the 
> channels for Composite 1 and using Dish network as source.
> Live tv is coming good but when i try to schedule the same it is 
> failing to do.It is just recording blank screen .
> How can I solve this problem?

Don't scan for channels using analog sources.  Instead use the button 
that says something about "Fetch channel info using grabber."

So, to fix, delete your video sources with the "Delete All" button, 
re-create them and get channel information with the grabber, then 
re-associate the video sources with the card inputs.


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