[mythtv-users] lcdproc not responding

Andrew Wilson migmog at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 00:07:13 UTC 2005

>From looking at the code, 'winamp' has to be lower case in LCDd.conf.

A better solution would have been to use stricmp or strcasecmp in the
code fragment below, thus saving everyone's time and frustration. I
wish people would use case insensitive compares in their code mode. I
think more programmers would do if it was in ANSI C but it ain't.

        // Get and search for the connection type
        s = driver->config_get_string( DriverName, "connectiontype",
0, "4bit" );
        for (connectiontype_index = 0; strcmp (s,
connectionMapping[connectiontype_index].connectionTypeStr) != 0 &&
connectionMapping[connectiontype_index].type != HD_unknown;

        if (connectionMapping[connectiontype_index].type == HD_unknown) {
                report (RPT_ERR, "HD44780_init: Unknown connection
type: %s", s);
                return -1; // fatal error
        } else

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