[mythtv-users] Re: Seeking help with XBox+Myth+XMBC

Steve Adeff adeffs at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 20:07:49 EST 2005

On Tuesday 29 November 2005 19:57, Michael Tiller wrote:
> Casey,
>   Thanks for the info.  Regarding the XBMC builds, I noticed on xbins that
> there was a recent build that was ~14Mb and a slightly older build that was
> ~43Mb.  What's up with that?!?  I didn't see any difference in the release
> notes but at 3 times the size, there must be a difference?!?

Some builds have extra scripts, themes, etc. included.

I've only had consistant good luck with T3CH's builds, they are barebone 
builds with limited addons, the script downloader and a couple other changes. 
I recommend using his builds. He doesn't do as many as some of the other 
releases, but they are always solid builds.


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