[mythtv-users] Filename confusion - .nuv and .mpg

Nathan Allen Stratton nathan at robotics.net
Wed Nov 23 16:41:19 EST 2005

On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:

> The <extension> now reflects the container format of the recording.
> Files recorded from a DVB source, or from a hardware MPEG encoding
> card, will be named "*.mpg".  Files recorded using software encoding,
> or transcoded recordings, will be named "*.nuv".
> The content of the files has not changed, only the naming conventions.
> Previously, all files were "*.nuv", even if they were really MPEG

So I run myth with 2 Plextor 402Us and a HD3000 card. They both are
hardware MPEG but only the HD3000 are saved as .mpg. Is this because the
402U is MPEG4 and HD3000 is MPEG2?


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