[mythtv-users] Nuvexport problems ffmpeg finishes immediately.

Ben Holt beanjammin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 02:12:33 EST 2005

On 16/11/05, Chris Petersen <lists at forevermore.net> wrote:

> And the error it bombs with is important..  if it's the "missing -hq"
> one, you'll have to revert ffmpeg or edit nuvexport to remove the
> option.  The only ffmpeg versions available to us fedora users still
> require -hq, and I'm not going to switch my desktop over to kubuntu any
> time soon.

This is what got me going when using the latest ffmpeg:


Basically you want to add -pix_fmt yuv420p to ffmpeg.pm wherever -f
rawvideo is passed to ffmpeg being aware that $videotype is set to -f
rawvideo and so should also be followed with -pix_fmt yuv420p.


- Ben

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