[mythtv-users] Assistance requested on SVN build with XMLTV (for developing a patch)

Joe Votour joevph at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 13 15:15:18 EST 2005


I'm working on a patch for MythTV regarding my post on
Per-channel time offsets for program listings
 I've got the DataDirect side working, but in order to
complete the patch, I'd like to get something working
for the XMLTV grabbers also.

Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty in getting XMLTV
to work with SVN (I haven't downgraded to 0.18.1 to
try it yet).  I'm using SVN version 7800 (I'll update
once I have finished the patch to make sure that it's
still good against HEAD), but I've already tried a
couple of grabbers, and neither of them actually want
to insert anything into the "program" database.  I'm
getting a bunch of messages like:
Unknown xmltv channel identifier:
Skipping channel.

Then at the end, naturally, I get:
Updated programs: 0  Unchanged programs: 0
Failed to fetch some program info
Could somebody who's running SVN using one of the
XMLTV grabbers please give me a hand in setting this
up, so that I can complete the patch?

I'm in North America, so I haven't used XMLTV in a
long time (not since before DataDirect).  I'm running
Fedora Core 4, with SVN version 7800, and XMLTV 0.5.40
from ATrpms.


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