[mythtv-users] Scaling HD output

Dave dbadia at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 21:37:44 EST 2005

> Also, I have been having problems triggering the automatic resolution
> switching for 1080i broadcasts.  It doesn't seem to work, as if the
> file is not being recognized as 1920x1080, which is the size I have
> set in the config.  Viewing the verbose mythfrontend output, I see a
> few references to 1920x1088 while playing the file.  Where are the
> other 8 pixels coming from, and is this possibly why the resolution
> switching is failing?  If I open the file in mplayer or xine it
> reports as 1920x1080.
> Thanks, Seth

I'm not 100% sure on the details, but I believe the extra 8 lines are
overscan or other data (ie, not picture data).  I had the same issue
with the resolutions not being switched.  You need to update the
database to look for 1088 instead of 1080.  For example:

update `settings` set `data` = '1088' where  value = 'VidModeHeight0'
(or VidModeHeight1, etc)

Note that this has to be done via a direct sql update with 18.1, as
the setting GUI won't let you choose anything higher than 1080.


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