[mythtv-users] Mythtv on Xbox

chris at cpr.homelinux.net chris at cpr.homelinux.net
Tue Nov 1 23:04:45 EST 2005

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 09:49:30PM -0500, Tom Lichti wrote:
> Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list please? I can't seem to get all 
> dependencies met, specifically libqt3c102-mt.

That package has caused me no end of grief.  Debian ("testing", I 
think) has decided to drop support for the XFree86 xserver and have 
transition packages in place to force people to switch to XOrg (ie: 
you ask for one server but get the other).  As part of that forced 
upgrade, libqt3c102-mt has been replaced by libqt3-mt.  The new 
libqt3-mt is not backwards compatible (according to the 
depends/provides list).  Similarly, rather than creating an in-place 
upgrade for MythTV, the libqt3-mt version is a whole new package that 
conflicts with the libqt3c102-mt version, requiring you to uninstall 
MythTV before the upgrade and then reinstall afterwards.  So far only 
the core MythTV packages (front, back, common, doc, database and web) 
are available, so after the upgrade you don't have mythvideo, 
mythdvd, etc.

My back-end and mythweb server are working just fine, but the XBox 
doesn't have a video driver for XOrg and my desktop machine (Radeon 
card) runs everything else and handles the MythTV menus OK but locks 
the machine up solid if I try to watch any recordings.  The backend 
machine can't run nuvexport as it gets into a loop waiting for 
mythtranscode to setup the fifos.  I don't have any idea what that's 
all about.

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