[mythtv-users] Third Attempt At Installing MythTV

David Brieck Jr. dbrieck at gmail.com
Thu May 5 01:38:58 UTC 2005

On 5/4/05, Drew Tomlinson <drew at mykitchentable.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the tip!  Your the second that has recommended Gentoo.  I may
> go that route as it sounds more like the FreeBSD that I am used to.  I
> just tried Fedora because it's very similar to RedHat and RedHat is the
> only "allowed" distro (because of support contracts) at my place of
> employment.  Thus I'd be "killing two birds with one stone", so to speak.

Well, then let me be the 3rd to recomend gentoo. The servers I admin
at work are RedHat so I get plenty of RPM hell there. It's nice to
come home and sit in front of my Myth setup and just relax. Another
nice thing for me is that I can upgrade just myth and it's
dependancies and not worry about upgrading to the last FC version or
whatnot. My Myth box is still running a 2.4 kernel and old stuff all
over the place but I don't have any problems upgrading myth whenever
there is a new version. Some would say Gentoo is not a stable platform
but I say it's as stable as you want it to be.

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