[mythtv-users] Backend Crashes / Status Monitoring

Tom Lichti tom at redpepperracing.com
Tue Mar 22 20:54:27 UTC 2005

Dave Ansell wrote:

> Thanks guys.   I'll try one of these when the wife's programmes have 
> finished recording ;-)
For reference, I'll attach the script and config file I use, if you want 
to try it. I run it every minute through crontab:

*  *    * * *   root    /usr/sbin/checkds.pl

-------------- next part --------------
[Mysql Server]
cmd=/etc/init.d/mysql start

[Myth Backend]
cmd=/etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start ; mysqlcheck -A

[Apache Server]
cmd=apachectl restart

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#                                                                             #
# checkds v. 1.0                                                              #
# Check if deamons are running as they should, otherwise take action.         #
#                                                                             #
# Copyright (C) 2000  Martin B. Jespersen                                     #
#                                                                             #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or               #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                 #
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.                               #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                #
#                                                                             #

##  first we set up default values  ##

## what is our name?
$0 =~ /\/*([^\/]*)$/;
my $PROG_NAME = $1;

## Path to configuration file
my $CONF_FILE="/etc/checkds.conf";

## Where is pidof?
my $PIDOF_CMD = "/bin/pidof";

## Where is logger located
my $LOGGER_CMD = "/usr/bin/logger";

## What fcility should we use for logging?
my $LOG_FACILITY="syslog";

## Where is sendmail?
my $SENDMAIL_CMD = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";

## who should we send from?

## what should the subject be?

## what mail account should we alert to?
my $MAIL_RECEIVER = "root";


##  Lets see what Parameters we got  ##

for(@ARGV) {
        if(/^\-\-help$/) {
                &display_help and exit;
        elsif(/^\-\-debug$/) {
        elsif(/^\-\-no\-log$/) {
        elsif(/^\-\-no\-mail$/) {
        elsif(/^\-\-no\-restart$/) {
        elsif(/^\-\-conf\-file\=(.*)$/) {
        elsif(/^\-\-mail\-to\=(.*)$/) {


##  Lets see if we can find a config file  ##

unless(-e $CONF_FILE) {
        print STDERR "No config file found!\nTry $PROG_NAME --help for details.\n";

my $checks = [];
my $conf_found_label=0;
my $conf_found_daemon=0;
my $conf_found_cmd=0;
my $this_daemon={};
print "Parsing config file...\n" if $DEBUG;
while(<CONFIG>) {
        next if /^\s*#|^\s*$/; # we igonre blæank lines and lines starting with#
        if(/^\s*\[(.*)\]/) {
                &display_config_error and exit if $conf_found_label && !$conf_found_daemon && !$conf_found_cmd;
                print "Found label: $1\n" if $DEBUG;
        elsif(/^\s*daemon\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
                &display_config_error and exit unless $conf_found_label && !$conf_found_daemon;
                print "Found daemon: $1\n" if $DEBUG;
        elsif(/^\s*cmd\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
                &display_config_error and exit unless $conf_found_label && !$conf_found_cmd;
                print "Found cmd: $1\n" if $DEBUG;
        if($conf_found_label && $conf_found_daemon && $conf_found_cmd) {
                $checks->[++$#{$checks}] = {%{$this_daemon}};
                $conf_found_label = $conf_found_daemon = $conf_found_cmd = 0;
&display_config_error and exit if $conf_found_label;
close CONFIG;


##  Ok, time to run the actual check  ##

log_it("info","Running check on ".($#{$checks}+1)." daemons");
for (@{$checks}) {
        print STDERR "Running check for $_->{label}...\n" if $DEBUG;
        next if check($_->{daemon});
        my $mail_msg= "$_->{label} ";
        my $log_msg="$_->{label} is not running!";
        unless($NO_RESTART) {
                system $_->{cmd};
                $log_msg.=" Trying to start it...";
                sleep 5;
                if(!check($_->{daemon})) {
                        $log_msg.=" Failed :-(";
                        $mail_msg.= "is not running, and could not be restartedautomatically.";
                else {
                        $log_msg.=" Succeded :-)";
                        $mail_msg.= "has been restarted automatically, since itwas not running.";



sub display_config_error {
        print STDERR "Syntax error in config file!\nTry $PROG_NAME --help for details.\n";

# 1. param: the daemon to check for, this should be the name of the binary

sub check {
        $pid = `$PIDOF_CMD -s $_[0]`;
        return $pid =~ /^[0-9]+$/;

# 1. param: syslog priority
# 2. param: syslog message

sub log_it {
        print STDERR "$_[1]\n" if $DEBUG;
        return if $NO_LOG;
        open LOGGER, "|$LOGGER_CMD -p $LOG_FACILITY.$_[0] -t $PROG_NAME" and
        print LOGGER $_[1] and
        close LOGGER or
        mail_admin("Failed to open output pipe to $LOGGER_CMD: $!") and
        die "Failed to open output pipe to $LOGGER_CMD: $!";

# 1. param: Message to send

sub mail_admin {
        my $mail = "From: $MAIL_SENDER <>\nTo: $MAIL_RECEIVER\nSubject: $MAIL_SUBJECT\nX-Priority: 1\n\n$_[0]\n";
        print STDERR $mail if $DEBUG;
        return if $NO_MAIL;
        open SENDMAIL, "| $SENDMAIL_CMD -t" and
        print SENDMAIL $mail and
        close SENDMAIL  or
        log_it("alert","Failed to send alert mail to $MAIL_SENDER: $!") and
        die "Failed to send alert mail to $MAIL_SENDER: $!";


sub display_help {
print <<END;

Usage: $PROG_NAME [options]
  --help                         Display this information.

  --debug                        Print debug messages to stderr.
                                 Automatically sets all --no-* parameters.

  --no-restart                   Do not try to restart daemons that are found not to be running.
  --no-log                       Do not write to syslog.
  --no-mail                      Do not send mail alerts.
                                 Ignores --mail-to parameter.

  --mail-to=<address>            Specifies which email address alerts should besent to.
                                 Default is: $MAIL_RECEIVER

  --conf-file=</path/to/file>    Specifies where the config file is found.
                                 Default is: $CONF_FILE

The config file should be on the following form:

  [label of daemon 1]
  daemon = name of daemon 1
  cmd = command to start daemon 1 if it is not running

  [label of daemon 2]

The label is what will show up in mails and logs.
The daemon is the binary file itself, excluding path, for example for apache this would be: httpd
The cmd is the command to start thge daemon, for example for apache this could be: apachectl start



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