[mythtv-users] Converting to MPEG and/or buring to DVD - a guide?

Monkey Pet monkeypet at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 07:47:24 UTC 2005

There are many ways to do this. However, I don't find any of them very 
usuable since they are external to the mythtv interface and have complicated 
dependencies and features. So, i am writing my own, select shows from the 
mythfrontend interface, then bam, it will literally dump it onto a dvd 
that's playable by any dvd player. Also a good learning experience for 
coding myth plugins...

On 8/29/05, David Bennett <davidbennett1979 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have looked around the menus, and i have waded through this mailing
> list. Unfortunately there seems to be a numerous opinions on how to do
> both of the above. I am wondering if anyone is maintaining, or is
> aware of a "mythtv" guide to converting to mpeg, and a "mythtv" guide
> to burning to DVD?
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