[mythtv-users] New NVidia drivers, 7676.. not much changed.

Joe Barnhart joebarnhart at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 08:39:53 UTC 2005

--- Isaac Richards <ijr at case.edu> wrote:

> What do you need XvMC for on an amd64 system?  I can pretty easily
> decode, 
> deinterlace, and display three 1080i streams simultaneously with pure
> software decoding on my dev system.  Might be able to do four with a
> little 
> tweaking, if I cared to.  Granted, it's a dual-core 4400+, but that's
> similar 
> enough to two 3500+ chips that I can't imagine 1080i not playing
> smoothly in 
> software on almost any xp 64.

Wow.  That's amazing.  How do you display three HD streams
simultaneously?  Do you have three video cards?  I'm curious -- do you
use component out, or do your HD displays have VGA input?

I'm really impressed.  When I used an Athlon XP 2800 it couldn't even
keep up with ONE stream at 1080i.  But displaying a moving image at
1920x1080i is pretty daunting.  I'm really amazed that you can display
three 1920x1080i pictures on three high-def display devices using
software decoding.

Incredible.  Literally incredible!

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