[mythtv-users] new tv_grab_au?

Carl Lewis carl at dpiwe.tas.gov.au
Fri Apr 1 01:23:06 UTC 2005

Craig Cooper wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to MythTV and also xmltv. I had problems with an older
> version of tv_grab_au missing two complete stations here in regional
> Tasmania. Does anyone know of a newer (or working) version for this
> location? Any thoughts helpful, you may email it direct to me as an
> attachment if you like - craig.cooper <at> gmail <dot> com
> many thanks.
> Craig Cooper
> _______________________________________________
> mythtv-users mailing list
> mythtv-users at mythtv.org
> http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users
Craig, this has been working for me. It's the version from Dec 24
last year plus Tasmania added.

Naturally you need to set your XMLTVID values correctly
in the channel setup.
The main ABC is
freesd.Tasmania.2.d1.com.au etc.

I actually sent the Tas stanza off this morning to someone I hope can 
include them in the next version published.


-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Australian TV Guide XMLTV grabber by Damon Searle
# Derived from a yahoo XMLTV grabber by Ron Kellam which was itself...
# Derived from original code by Justin Hawkins
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# 30 Oct 2004
#  Damon Searle <djsearle at netspace.net.au>
#  - wrote first version
#  - gets data from NineMSN as a backup. Its not that fancy,
# 31 Oct 2004
#  Fred Donelly <fdonelly at hotmail.com> 
#  - added an option so that the output file can be specified on the 
#    command line and from the quick test I gave it, it now works with 
#    mythfilldatabase.
#  - $offset set to +1000 at the top and then had "+1000" set in a 
#  output string further down rather than the variable
# 4 Nov 2004
#  Paul Andreassen <paulx at andreassen.com.au>
#  - learned some perl and now wants to go back to python
#  - added and then reduced status info
#  - retry on failure to getstore
#  - changed cache to '/var/local/tv_grab_au'
#  - added threading for each day
# 5 Nov 2004
#  - improved threading with use of queue
#  Eyal Lebedinsky <eyal at eyal.emu.id.au>
#  - easier location selection
# 8 Nov 2004
#  Paul
#  - fixed pid=0 bug
#  - did some merging, I hate merging
# 9 Nov 2004
#  Rob Hill <rob at dot.net.au>
#  - added Sydney
# 10 Nov 2004
#  Mary Wright <mwright at taz-devil.dyndns.org>
#  - digital info for Sydney 
#  Paul
#  - more cleanup and improved error checking
#  - used mirror instead of getstore to get any updates
#  - mirror didn't work replaced with own smarts to check for updates to times
# 11 Nov 2004
#  - added program name in check
# 13 Nov 2004
#  - added freesd for Brisbane
# 14 Nov 2004
#  - --configure to exit nicely
#  - if no program data then skip program nicely, mainly for foxtel data
#  - added foxtel channels
# 17 Nov 2004
#  Michael Cheshire <michael-mlists at cheshire.id.au>
#  - added remaining foxtel channels
#  Eyal Lebedinsky <eyal at eyal.emu.id.au>
#  - Fix misspelling Unknows -> Unknown
#  - Note: is Sydney now is on summer time +1100?
# 28 Nov 2004
#  Paul
#  - converts &amp; -> &, &quot; -> "
#  - option to change all & to and
#  - added data from yesterday to fill 0:00 to 6:00
#  - deletes old cache days, may miss some if not run for a while
# 1 Dec 2004
#  Mark Spieth with changes by Paul
#  - offset
#  - melbourne
#  - rated
# 10 Dec 2004
#  Paul
#  - added Queensland
#  - another attempt at offset calculation
#  - start and stop time cleanup
# 11 Dec 2004
#  - more logical offset calculation
#  - popular browser pretence
# 13 Dec 2004
#  - simple fix for no pids
#  - added location and cache-dir options
#  - added channel renaming option
# 21 Dec 2004
#  - connection cache activated

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XMLTV;
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::Simple qw($ua);
use Date::Manip;	# timezone setup and calculations aren't correct
use Time::Local;
use File::Path;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

# Instructions:
# Select your region and source.
# If your location isn't listed below, go to
# http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/guide/ select your area
# look at the last number in the URL before ".asp" and set
# the region variable below. Then put the channel names as listed
# on the tv guide site into the variables below.
# Then set your XMLTV ids from the database in the XMLTVID_URL variable.
# If it doesn't work with mythfilldatabase, try:
# ./tv_grab_au
# mythfilldatabase --file 1 -1 /var/local/tv_grab_au/guide.xml

# pick your region
#my $location = "Canberra";
#my $location = "Brisbane";
#my $location = "Queensland";
#my $location = "Sydney";
#my $location = "Melbourne";
#my $location = "Australia";
my $location = "Tasmania";

# pick your source
#my $source = "free";
my $source = "freesd";
#my $source = "freehd";
#my $source = "foxtel";

# choose the XMLID URL suffix that mythtv knows
my $XMLTVID_URL = "d1.com.au";
#my $XMLTVID_URL = "tv_grab_au.com.au";

# change to how you think it should work
my $days_to_grab = 7;
#my $threads = 5;
my $threads = 1;
my $retrys = 3;
my $seconds_before_retry = 2;
my $convert_ands = 1;
my $days_to_clean = 7;
my $cache_dir = "./tv_grab_au_dir";
$ua->agent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)");
#$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0");
#$ua->agent("tv_grab_au/2004.12.13 (Linux; Unix; en-AU) Perl/5.8.6";
#execute 'export PERL_LWP_USE_HTTP_10=1' before script for http 1.0 support

# Options
my $opt_days; my $opt_output; my $opt_configfile; my $opt_configure = 0;
my $opt_location; my $opt_cachedir; my $opt_rename = 0; my %rename_channels;

GetOptions('days=i'	=> \$opt_days,
	'output=s'	=> \$opt_output,
	'config-file=s'	=> \$opt_configfile,
	'configure'	=> \$opt_configure,
	'location=s'	=> \$opt_location,
	'cache-dir=s'	=> \$opt_cachedir,
	'rename'	=> \$opt_rename,
if ($opt_days) {
	$days_to_grab = $opt_days
if (!($opt_output)) {
	$opt_output = $cache_dir . "/guide.xml";
# $opt_configfile should probably do something ('/home/mythtv/.mythtv/tv_grab_au.xmltv')
if ($opt_configure == 1) {
        print "configuration must be done in this script at $0\n";
        exit (0);
if ($opt_location) {
	$location = $opt_location;
if ($opt_cachedir) {
	$cache_dir = $opt_cachedir;
if ($opt_rename == 1) {
	$rename_channels{"ABC VIC"}="ABC TV Melbourne";
	$rename_channels{"Channel Seven Melbourne"}="7 Digital";
	$rename_channels{"SBS Melbourne"}="SBS DIGITAL 1";
	$rename_channels{"Network TEN Melbourne"}="TEN Digital";
	$rename_channels{"Channel Nine Melbourne"}="Nine Digital";
print "grabing $location $source for $days_to_grab days into $opt_output\n";

# Setup
&Date_Init("TZ=UT");	# Date::Manip timezone setup and calculations aren't correct so disable
my $today = &UnixDate("today", "%Y%m%d");
my $yesterday = &DateCalc($today, "-1 day");

my $conn_cache ||= { total_capacity => ($threads + 2) };

my $guide_url = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/guide/";
my $details_url = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/closeup/default.asp?pid=";
my $XMLTV_prefix = $source . "." . $location . ".";
my $XMLTV_suffix = "." . $XMLTVID_URL;

my $region; my %channels;
if ("Canberra" eq $location) {
	$region = "126";
	if ("free" eq $source) {
		$channels{"ABC NSW"}="2";
		$channels{"Prime Southern"}="PrimS";
		$channels{"SBS Sydney"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Southern Cross TEN Capital"}="10Cap";
		$channels{"WIN Television NSW"}="WIN"
	} elsif ("freesd" eq $source or "freehd" eq $source) {
		$channels{"ABC NSW"}="2";
		$channels{"Prime Southern"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS Sydney"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Southern Cross TEN Capital"}="10";
		$channels{"WIN Television NSW"}="9"
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Brisbane" eq $location) {
	$region = "75";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)) {
		$channels{"ABC QLD"}="2";
		$channels{"Channel Seven Brisbane"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS Queensland"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Network TEN Brisbane"}="10";
		$channels{"Channel Nine Brisbane Metro"}="9";
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Tasmania" eq $location) {
	$region = "88";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)) {
#		$channels{"ABC TAS"}="ABC-SD";
#		$channels{"Tasmanian Digital Television"}="TDT-SD";
#		$channels{"SBS Tasmania"}="SBS-SD";
#		$channels{"SBS News"}="SBS-NEWS-SD";
#		$channels{"Southern Cross Television"}="SCT-SD";
#		$channels{"WIN Television TAS"}="WIN-SD"; 
		$channels{"ABC TAS"}="2";
		$channels{"Tasmanian Digital Television"}="5";
		$channels{"SBS Tasmania"}="3";
		$channels{"SBS News"}="33";
		$channels{"Southern Cross Television"}="6";
		$channels{"WIN Television TAS"}="8"; 
} elsif ("Queensland" eq $location) {
	$region = "79";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)) {
		$channels{"ABC QLD"}="2";
		$channels{"Channel Seven Queensland"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS Queensland"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Southern Cross TEN Queensland"}="10";
		$channels{"WIN Television QLD"}="9";
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Sydney" eq $location) {
	$region = "73";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)) {
		$channels{"ABC NSW"}="2";
		$channels{"Channel Seven Sydney"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS Sydney"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Network TEN Sydney"}="10";
		$channels{"Channel Nine Sydney"}="9";
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Melbourne" eq $location) {
	$region = "94";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)||("freehd" eq $source)) {
		$channels{"ABC VIC"}="2";
		$channels{"Channel Seven Melbourne"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS Melbourne"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Network TEN Melbourne"}="10";
		$channels{"Channel Nine Melbourne"}="9";
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Adelaide" eq $location) {
	$region = "81";
	if (("free" eq $source)||("freesd" eq $source)) {
		$channels{"ABC SA"}="2";
		$channels{"Channel Seven Adelaide"}="7";
		$channels{"SBS SA"}="SBS";
		$channels{"Network TEN Adelaide"}="10";
		$channels{"Channel Nine Adelaide"}="9"; 
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} elsif ("Australia" eq $location) {
	$region = "123";
	if ("foxtel" eq $source) {
		$channels{"Arena TV"}="Arena";
		$channels{"BBC World"}="BBC";
		$channels{"Cartoon Network"}="Cartoon";
		$channels{"Channel [V]"}="Red";
		$channels{"Discovery Channel"}="Disc";
		$channels{"FOX News"}="FoxFNC";
		$channels{"National Geographic Channel"}="NatGe";
		$channels{"Showtime 2"}="FoxSH2";
		$channels{"Sky News"}="SkyNews";
		$channels{"Showtime Greats"}="ShowGreats";
		$channels{"World Movies"}="wmov";
		$channels{"Sky Racing"}="SkyRa";
		$channels{"Disney Channel"}="Disney";
		$channels{"Animal Planet"}="Animal";
		$channels{"The Comedy Channel"}="Com";
		$channels{"The LifeStyle Channel"}="Lifes";
		$channels{"FOX Sports 1"}="FoxFS1";
		$channels{"Movie One"}="Movie1";
		$channels{"FOX Sports 2"}="FoxSP2";
		$channels{"FOX Footy Channel"}="FFC";
		$channels{"Movie Extra"}="MovieEx";
		$channels{"Hallmark Channel"}="Hall";
		$channels{"The History Channel"}="FoxHST";
		$channels{"FOX Classics"}="FoxCLA";
		$channels{"Movie Greats"}="MovieGr"; 
	} else {
		print "Unknown source '$source' for $location\n";
		exit (1);
} else {
	print "Unknown location '$location'\n";
	exit (1);

my $prog_ref; my $chan_ref;
foreach my $channel (keys %channels) {
	my $name = $channel;
	if (exists($rename_channels{$channel})) {
		$name = $rename_channels{$channel};
	$$chan_ref{$channel} = {
		'id' => $XMLTV_prefix . $channels{$channel} . $XMLTV_suffix,
		'display-name' => [ [ $name, undef ]]

# Program
print "starting $threads threads\n";
my @thrlist;
my $datepids = Thread::Queue->new;
for (my $thread=0; $thread<$threads; $thread++) {
        push @thrlist, threads->new(\&fetch_details);

print "loading queue\n";
my $currentday = $yesterday;
my $day_counter = 0;
while ($day_counter <= $days_to_grab) {
	my $date = &UnixDate($currentday, "%d%m%Y");
	my @day_lines = get_day($date,1);
	if (@day_lines == 0) {
		$currentday = &DateCalc($currentday, "+ 1 day");	

	my @pids;
	my @rowspans;
	my @names;
	foreach my $line (@day_lines) {
		foreach my $link (split /\n|tr|TR|TD|tr/, $line ) {
			if ($link =~ /closeup\/default.asp/) {
				my $rowspan = $link;
				$rowspan =~ s/.+rowspan=//g;
				$rowspan =~ s/ .+//g;
				my $name = $link;
				$name =~ s/.+target=new>(<P>|)//g;
				$name =~ s/<\/a>.+//g;
				$link =~ s/.+pid=//g;
				$link =~ s/".+//g; #"
				if (($rowspan =~ /\d+/) and ($link =~ /\d\d+/)) {
					push @pids, $link;
					push @rowspans, $rowspan;
					push @names, $name;					

	if (changed_guide($date, at pids, at rowspans, at names)) {
		for (my $count=0; $count <= $#pids; $count++) {
			$datepids->enqueue($date . "-" . $pids[$count]);

	$currentday = &DateCalc($currentday, "+ 1 day");

for (my $thread=0; $thread<$threads; $thread++) {
	$datepids->enqueue(0 . "-" . 0);
print "queue is complete\n";

foreach my $thr (@thrlist) {
print "all threads done\n";

print "building xml structure\n";
$currentday = $yesterday;
$day_counter = 0;
while ($day_counter <= $days_to_grab) {
	my @pids;
	my $date = &UnixDate($currentday, "%d%m%Y");

	my $guide_prn_file = $cache_dir . "/" . $date . "/guide.prn";
	if (open(PRN, $guide_prn_file)) {
		my @prn = split />/, <PRN>;
		if ($#prn > 1) {
			my $pidlast = ($#prn + 1)/3 - 1;
		} else {
			print "no pids in $guide_prn_file\n";
	} else {
		print "can't read $guide_prn_file\n";
	my $retry = 0;		
	foreach my $pid (@pids) {
		my @details = get_details($date, $pid);
		if (@details == 0) {
		my $show_details_table = "";
		my $use_line = 0;
		my $close_html = 0;
		foreach my $line (@details) {
			if ($line =~ /bgColor=#f7f3e8/) {
				$use_line = 0;
			if ($use_line == 1) {
				$show_details_table .= $line;
			if ($line =~ /bgcolor=#ffffff/) {
				$use_line = 1;
			if ($line =~ /<\/HTML>/) {
				$close_html = 1;

		if ($close_html == 0) {
			my $name = $cache_dir . "/" . $date . "/" . $pid . ".html";
			if ($retry++ >= $retrys) {
				print "giving up on truncated $name\n";
			unlink $name;
			push @pids, $pid;
			print "t";	# truncated

		if ((length $show_details_table) == 0) {
			print "m";	# missing: can't do anything about this
	    	$show_details_table =~ s/<[^>]*>/\n/g;
		$show_details_table =~ s/\&nbsp\;//g;
		#$show_details_table =~ s/<BR>|<TR>|<TD><B><b><\/B><\/b>/\n/g;
		#$show_details_table =~ s/Genre://g;
		#$show_details_table =~ s/Rated:/\n/g;

		$show_details_table =~ s/\&quot\;/"/g; #"

		if ($convert_ands == 1) {
		    $show_details_table =~ s/( |)\&amp\;( |)/ and /g;
		    $show_details_table =~ s/( |)\&( |)/ and /g;
		} else {
		    $show_details_table =~ s/\&amp\;/\&/g;
		my $count = 0;		
		my $time;
		my $channel = "";		
		my $title1 = "";
		my $title2 = "";
		my $duration;
		my $rating = "";
		my $genre = "";
		my $descr = "";

		#print $show_details_table. "\n\n\n";
		foreach my $line (split /\n/, $show_details_table) {
			if ($count == 4) {
				#print "Time: " . $line . "\n";
				$time = $line;
			elsif ($count == 7) {
				$channel = $line;
				#print "Channel: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 19) {
				$title1 = $line;
				#print "Program: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 20) {
				$line =~ s/ - //g;
				$title2 = $line;
				#print "Subtitle: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 21) {
				$line =~ s/\D//g;
				$duration = $line;
				#print "Run time: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 22) {
				$line =~ s/^.*: (.*)\).*$/$1/;
				if ($line =~ /[a-zA-Z]/)
					$rating = $line;
				#print "Rating: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 26) {
				$line =~ s/ //g;
				$genre = $line;
				#print "Genre: " . $line . "\n";
			elsif ($count == 28 && $line =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) {
				$descr = $line;
				#print "Description: " . $line . "\n";
			#print $count .": " . $line . "\n";
		if (defined $channels{$channel}) {
			$channel = $XMLTV_prefix . $channels{$channel} . $XMLTV_suffix;
		} else {
			print "unknown channel $channel\n";

		my $start=&ParseDate(&UnixDate($currentday,"%Y%m%d ") . $time);
		if (&Date_Cmp($time,"6:00") < 0) {
			$start=&DateCalc($start,"+ 1 day");
		my $stop=&DateCalc($start,"+ " . $duration . " minutes");
		if (&Date_Cmp($start,$today) < 0) {	# skip programs that start before today

		# Date::Manip timezone setup and calculations aren't correct so don't use
		$start = &UnixDate($start, "%q ") . get_TZ_Offset($start);
		$stop  = &UnixDate($stop, "%q ") . get_TZ_Offset($stop);
		my $a_prog = { 
			channel => $channel,
			start   => $start,
			stop    => $stop,
			title   => [ [ $title1, undef ] ]
		$descr =~ s/^\s+//;
		$descr =~ s/\s+$//;

		if ($title2) { $$a_prog{'sub-title'} = [ [ $title2, undef ] ]; }
		if ($rating) { $$a_prog{rating}      = [ [ $rating, "CTVA", undef ] ]; }		
		if ($genre)  { $$a_prog{category}    = [ [ $genre, undef ] ]; }
		if ($descr)  { $$a_prog{desc}        = [ [ $descr, undef ] ]; }
		push @$prog_ref, $a_prog;
	$currentday = &DateCalc($currentday, "+ 1 day");

my $data = [
     'source-info-name'    => 'http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/',
     'generator-info-name' => 'NineMSN grabber',
     'generator-info-url'  => '',
     'generator-info-name' => "XMLTV - tv_grab_au NineMSN v0.2"

print "writing file\n";
my $fh = new IO::File ">$opt_output";
XMLTV::write_data($data, OUTPUT=>$fh);

print "cleaning $days_to_clean days\n";
$currentday = &DateCalc($yesterday, "-1 day");
$day_counter = 0;
while ($day_counter < $days_to_clean) {
	remove_day(&UnixDate($currentday, "%d%m%Y"));

	$currentday = &DateCalc($currentday, "-1 day");
print "done\n";

# subroutines
sub get_TZ_Offset
	# Date::Manip timezone setup and calculations aren't correct so don't use
        my @date=UnixDate(shift,("%S","%M","%H","%d","%m","%Y"));
	$date[4] -= 1;	# stupid month fix
	my $offset=timegm(@date)-timelocal(@date);
	return sprintf "+%d%02d",$offset/3600,($offset/60)%60;

sub get_day 
	my $date = shift;
	my $force = shift;
	my $url = $guide_url . $date . "_" . $region . ".asp";
	my $guide_dir = $cache_dir . "/" . $date;
	my $guide_file = $guide_dir . "/guide.html";
	mkpath ($guide_dir);

	for (my $retry=0; (($force==1) || (!(-e $guide_file))) && is_error(getstore($url, $guide_file)) && ($retry<$retrys); $retry++) {
		print ".";
	my @guide_lines;
	if (open(GUIDE, $guide_file)) {
		@guide_lines = <GUIDE>;
	} else {
		@guide_lines = ();
		print "giving up on $guide_file\n";
	return @guide_lines;

sub remove_day
	my $date = shift;

	my $guide_dir = $cache_dir . "/" . $date;
	my @files= glob($guide_dir . "/*");
	unlink @files;

	return rmdir $guide_dir;

sub get_details
	my $date = shift;
	my $program_id = shift;
	my $url = $details_url . $program_id;
	my $guide_dir = $cache_dir . "/" . $date;
	my $details_file = $guide_dir . "/" . $program_id . ".html";
	mkpath ($guide_dir);
	for (my $retry=0; (!(-e $details_file)) && is_error(getstore($url, $details_file)) && ($retry<$retrys); $retry++) {
		print ".";

	my @details_lines;
	if (open(DETAILS, $details_file)) {
		@details_lines = <DETAILS>;
	} else {
		@details_lines = ();
		print "giving up on $details_file\n";
	return @details_lines;

sub fetch_details
	my $datepid=$datepids->dequeue;
	my @datepidl=split /-/, $datepid;
	my $date = $datepidl[0];
	my $pid = $datepidl[1];

	while (($date!=0) and ($pid!=0)) {
		my $guide_dir = $cache_dir . "/" . $date;
		mkpath ($guide_dir);
		my $url = $details_url . $pid;
		my $details_file = $guide_dir . "/" . $pid . ".html";

		for (my $retry=0; is_error(getstore($url, $details_file)) && ($retry<$retrys); $retry++) {

		@datepidl=split /-/, $datepid;
		$date = $datepidl[0];
		$pid = $datepidl[1];

sub changed_guide
	my $date = shift;
	my @pidsrowspansnames = @_;
	my $guide_prn_file = $cache_dir . "/" . $date . "/guide.prn";
	if (open(PRN, $guide_prn_file)) {
		my @prn = split />/, <PRN>;

		if (($#prn > 1) and ($#prn == $#pidsrowspansnames)) {
			my $count;
			my $diff = ((($#prn+1)*2)/3)-1;
			for ($count=0; ($count <= $diff) && ($prn[$count]==$pidsrowspansnames[$count]); $count++)
			{ }
			if ($count==($diff+1)) {
				for (; ($count <= $#prn) && ($prn[$count] eq $pidsrowspansnames[$count]); $count++)
				{ }
	    			if ($count==($#prn+1)) {
					print "$date unchanged\n";
					return 0;

	print "$date downloading\n";

	if (open(PRN, ">", $guide_prn_file)) {
		for (my $count=0; $count<$#pidsrowspansnames; $count++) {
			print PRN "$pidsrowspansnames[$count]>";
		if ($#pidsrowspansnames >= 0)
			print PRN "$pidsrowspansnames[$#pidsrowspansnames]";
	} else {
		print "can't open for writing $guide_prn_file\n";

	return 1;

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