[mythtv-users] Upgraded to current CVS, audio sometimes doesn't start on recordings

Nate Carlson natecars at natecarlson.com
Wed Nov 24 00:31:16 UTC 2004

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Nate Carlson wrote:
> I just upgraded to a CVS pull from today from CVS on 10/04. Things work 
> well, except that occasionally when starting Live TV or a recording, 
> audio won't start up. If the audio doesn't start, hitting fast forward 
> or rewind will get it to start - it's certainly being recorded fine, 
> it's just not getting caught in playback every time.
> What can I do to help debug this?

With the new version, I'm also getting pauses in the Live TV playback 
whenever a new process (new recording, etc) starts - I get the following 
errors in mythbackend.log:

2004-11-23 18:30:35.929 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:36.372 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:37.833 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:41.936 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:42.056 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:42.277 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:42.669 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2004-11-23 18:30:47.584 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()

| nate carlson | natecars at natecarlson.com | http://www.natecarlson.com |
|       depriving some poor village of its idiot since 1981            |

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