[mythtv-users] Compiling DVB support into MythTV

Sven Heithecker sven.heithecker at web.de
Mon Jul 12 15:24:29 EDT 2004

Hi Michael,

Am Montag, 12. Juli 2004 15:10 schrieb Michael Skaastrup:
> So i got the source from the website. 0.15.1, and made appropriate
> changes to setting.pro. Did the compile, but after starting the newly
> created binary, there is still no DVB support.
> I'm no expert on compiling programs, so I just figured I would try
> another version. I grabbed the CVS version yesterday and made the same
> changes to settings.pro and compiled, ran make install. Now it complains
> about libmyth not being the same version as the lib it has been compiled
> against.

Well, I it worked for me (MythTV 0.15.1), and I didn't do much different. Did 
you run the complete configure / qmake / make cycle after you changed your 
settings.pro ? And is your DVB card running ? I had some trouble loading all 
required modules and firmware here. When everything is running, you should be 
able to select "DVB" as capture card.
There's also a very good MythTV DVB setup guide available at 

BTW. if you use DVB-S, please tell me if you are able to configure satellites 
in the "Cpture Cards / Advanced Setup / Configure Satellites" dialog.

Regards, Sven

Sven Heithecker     sven.heithecker at web.de
Pestalozzistr 6     Tel 0531-336580
38114 Braunschweig  Fax 0531-3489815

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