[mythtv-users] Can't grant remote permissions in mysql

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Sat Jul 3 15:37:15 EDT 2004

Nowhere wrote:

>Hi everyone. I need to bring this back up. I am still unable to grant
>remote permissions and I am quite stumped now. I have tried fixing the
>missing quote, tried single quotes but something is still wrong. Here is
>the latest attempt and as you see it says OK but 0 rows affected.
>mysql> grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@'192.168.1.%' identified by
>Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
>Any clues?
Are you sure it didn't work.  The "0 rows affected" message is the 
desired result for a GRANT on MySQL.  Now, getting something like an 
ERROR 1147 would be another story.  :)

Test to see if the GRANT worked with:

mysql> SELECT Host, User FROM mysql.user WHERE User='mythtv';

(You'll need to be logged into MySQL as a user with access to the mysql 
database--i.e. MySQL's root user.)

You should see a row with '192.168.1.%' as a hostname.

If it's not working from that host, but you do see the row with the 
appropriate permission, try doing a:


If that doesn't help, the problem is (almost surely) not your MySQL 
privileges.  It's more likely the command you're using to access the 
database (i.e. try specifying the hostname "-h 192.168.1.xxx" to log in 
to mysql) or DNS/hostname configuration problems on the database 
client.  See 5.4.8 Causes of Access denied Errors in the MySQL 
documentation ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Access_denied.html ) 
for more details.



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