[mythtv-users] Burning DVD from ripped vob files

K.R. Foley kr at cybsft.com
Sat Jan 31 15:23:44 EST 2004

Jason Cooper wrote:
> K.R. Foley (kr at cybsft.com) scribbled:
>>I have used the script posted here recently for successfully burning 
>>recordings to DVD (thanks to whoever posted it, can't remember at the 
>>moment). I would like to be able to do the same with a vob file, ripped 
>>using MythDVD (perfect quality). The problem is using mpeg2desc and 
>>mplex, like I do with recordings, doesn't work with the DVD vob files 
>>and dvdauthor doesn't seem to like these vob files either. I don't know 
>>much at all about these vob files. Does anyone have any suggestions for 
>>getting these back into a format that I can use dvdauthor on to create 
>>the DVD layout for burning? Or am I missing something? Any suggestions 
>>would be appreciated.
> Give this script a try.  It's something I'm working on at the moment.
> I'm still having trouble retrieving the dts audio, but it works fine
> with 5.1 audio.  This is independent of myth and goes from disc to burn
> without transcode.  I've backed up 10 dvd's so far without a hitch.
> ####Begin dvd9to5.sh####
> #!/bin/sh
> # Grab the .vob of the main feature
> tccat -i /dev/dvd -T 1,-1 -L >catted.vob
> # Make fifo's for extracting audio and video simultaneously
> mkfifo vid.fifo
> mkfifo aud.fifo
> # perform the extraction
> tcextract -i aud.fifo -t vob -x ac3 -a 0 > ofile.ac3 &
> tcextract -i vid.fifo -t vob -x mpeg2 > ofile.m2v &
> cat catted.vob | tee aud.fifo vid.fifo >/dev/null &&
> # Retrieve the chapter list.
> tcprobe -i /dev/dvd -T 1 -H 10 2>&1 | egrep "\[Chapter ..\] " | \
> 	cut -d " " -f 4 | perl -pi -e 's/\n/,/' | \
> 	perl -pi -e 's/,$//' >chap.list &&
> # Calculate the requantization factor
> vsize=`ls -l ofile.m2v | awk '{print $5}'`
> vsize=`echo $vsize / 1048576 | bc`
> asize=`ls -l ofile.ac3 | awk '{print $5}'`
> asize=`echo $asize / 1048576 | bc`
> req=`echo "1.05 * $vsize / (4400 - $asize)" | bc -ql`
> echo Requantize at: $req
> # Perform requantization (comment out if $req < 1.0)
> tcrequant -i ofile.m2v -o movie.m2v -f $req &&
> # Put the audio and video back together
> mplex -f 8 -S 0 -o movie.mpeg movie.m2v ofile.ac3 
> # Make the dvd image
> mkdir -p dvd/VIDEO_TS &&
> dvdauthor -t -a ac3+en -c `cat chap.list` -o dvd movie.mpeg &&
> dvdauthor -T -o dvd &&
> # Make the iso (use the growisofs command, it's faster)
> #mkisofs -dvd-video -udf -o dvd.iso dvd &&
> # Cleanup
> rm *.fifo
> echo "Done."
> echo "Now do growisofs -speed=4 -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd"
> ####End dvd9to5.sh######
> Like I said, it's a work in progress.  I'll migrate it to perl here
> soon.
> btw - This certainly isn't all mine, a few tricks (the cool ones :) ) 
> came from the gentoo ml and the transcode ml.
> Cooper.
Thanks Cooper. I will give it a shot. As it progresses, can you post 
changes? Feel free to send them directly if you like. I will also poke 
around with it a bit and if I figure anything out, I'll post them back 
as well. I just needed a place to start and this looks like exactly what 
I needed.

Thanks again,

K.R. Foley
kr at cybsft.com

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