[mythtv-users] Problems with PVR-250 and MythTV

Tom Marshall tommy at home.tig-grr.com
Mon Feb 16 01:20:47 EST 2004

I'm having a couple of usability issues with the PVR-250 and MythTV:

1. My PVR-250 needs some nondefault color adjustment to look good.  In
particular, the default saturation level is too high.  It seems that
whenever MythTV changes channels or begins a new recording, it resets the
saturation to the default level.  I don't see a place to set the saturation
either on a global or per-channel level.  I tried looking in the database
and didn't see anything promising:

  mysql> select * from settings where value like '%sat%';
  Empty set (0.00 sec)

  mysql> show fields from channel;
  | contrast     | int(11)          | YES  |     | 32768   |       |
  | brightness   | int(11)          | YES  |     | 32768   |       |
  | colour       | int(11)          | YES  |     | 32768   |       |
  | hue          | int(11)          | YES  |     | 32768   |       |

Is there a saturation setting somewhere that I missed?

2. There are frequent "blips" on the screen.  Usually once or twice a
minute, but the frequency varies.  It looks like they are horizontal
tearing.  I can rewind and see the bad frames, so I'm pretty sure the
PVR-250 is outputting these (as opposed to a tv-out issue).  Does anyone
else have this problem?  Is there a solution?

3. I can't quite get completely rid of the video/audio stuttering in the
recordings.  I'm using 480x480 with 3000/6000kbps and it normally looks
quite good.  But sometimes there is a brief second of stuttering when fading
to black, or extended stuttering when credits roll on a mostly black screen. 
Again, it seems to be coming out of the PVR-250 this way.  Any ideas what to
tweak?  Should I try bumping up the average and/or max bitrates some more?

Thanks in advance.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged
        -- Andy Finkel
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