[mythtv-users] Lost SPDIF output after apt-get dist-upgrade

Julian Edwards ed at julian-edwards.com
Wed Apr 28 08:25:25 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 10:56, Julian Edwards wrote:
> I am currently posting on the alsa-users mailing list to see if I can
> get any help there since mine just won't work for OSS :(

At last I have got this fixed thanks to a very helpful guy on the
Alsa-users list called Peter Zubaj.  This is his response:

"IEC958 Optical Raw Playback Switch" - it is used for AC3 pasthrough

should be muted - for oss emulation, midi playback, wave playback, ..
alias normal ussage

should be unmuted - for spdif blayback (Raw passthrough of AC3 
stream through spdif, unaltered spdif playback) using spdif device.

"IEC958 Optical Raw Playback Switch" should be muted in your case, 
please mute it.

After I muted it, OSS emulation is fine, yay.  When you use the spdif
interface directly, apparently it sets the levels automatically so you
don't need to worry about unmuting for mplayer/xine/ogle native alsa
spdif usage.

Hope that helps someone else too.
Julian Edwards

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