[mythtv-users] MythFillDatabase question

Rudy Zijlstra mythtv at edsons.demon.nl
Tue Apr 27 06:53:24 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I would like some explanation on mythfilldatabase.

In the howtos it is stated that this program should only run on the 
masterbackend, and implied is that it *can* only run on the master 
backend. I can understand running it on only 1 backend for consistency & 
race condition avoidance reasons.

Background: I've initially installed mythtv on a machine (tv-server) 
doing all: master backend, frond-end, SQL server and storage. Then i 
added a second tuner using an existing server. In the meantime the 
decision was to put the original in 'production' use, provided the 
storage would be increased.

Current situation:
the server with the second tuner (which is behing an UPS) has gotten big 
storage for mythtv. It also is now the SQL server. The mythtv machine 
(tv-server) is to go into the living room, where it is much more prone 
to be powered off. Thus i would like to move the Master Backend to the 
file server.

I've changed the MasterServerIP setting to point to the file server, and 
this works. Except that I am uncertain about mythfilldatabase.

So the questions:
- In what manner is mythfilldatabase linked to the master backend server?
- what are the meanings/purposes of the following settings:
| MythFillEnabled           | 0                      | tv-server |
| MythFillDatabasePath      | mythfilldatabase       | tv-server |
| MythFillDatabaseArgs      |                        | tv-server |
| MythFillDatabaseLog       |                        | tv-server |
| MythFillPeriod            | 1                      | tv-server |
| MythFillMinHour           | 2                      | tv-server |
| MythFillMaxHour           | 5                      | tv-server |

- Should i move those settings over to be "owned" by the file server 
(the new master backend)?



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