[mythtv-users] MythTV as a non-primary device?

Ben Brown mythtv at handcoder.com
Mon Apr 26 16:05:11 EDT 2004

I've done the same thing on my machine.  I've mapped the tivo button to 
restart mythfrontend.  Write a little script that will restart mytht 

	echo "Terminate Running Mythfrontends"
	/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/killall mythfrontend
	echo "Start New Frontend"
	/usr/local/bin/mythfrontend -v all -l ~/mythfrontend.log

Add  irexec to your lircrc
	    prog = irexec
	    button = tivo
	    config = /bin/RestartMyth.sh

Then just start irexec.

This gives you a pretty simple restart button.  I've actually used 
Xdialog to give you a confirm dialog when you press the button.  I'm 
thinking of updating my scripts so it give you the option to restart 
mythbackend & mythfrontend.


Jeff C wrote:
>>As for the wife, she would not go back to regular TV for anything, and
>>she is quite computer illiterate. I had to do a couple things though,
>>one of which was to program the PWR button on the grey remote to restart
>>the frontend. I have occasional crash or freeze that I have not tracked
>>down yet.
> That sounds like a nice idea, how did you make the power button do that?  My
> wife thanks you in advance. :)
> -Jeff
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