[mythtv-users] ALSA and SPDIF Out For nForce2 Motherboards

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Fri Apr 9 20:29:59 EDT 2004

John Sturgeon wrote:

> My first thought is that I'm surprised -ao alsa9:nforce works for you.

Those for whom -ao alsa9:nforce works have a device named "nforce" 
defined in their .asoundrc files.  Probably one copied directly from 
posts on the ALSA Wiki for the nVidia nForce ( 
)--most likely CIMLinux's 25 Nov 2003 post.

>   Usually mplayer's -ao switch would be something like alsa9:spdif or 
> alsa9:iec958 or alsa9:hw:0,2

Or alsa9:WhateverDeviceNameISpecifiedInTheAsoundRC  ;)

> Mike Denver wrote:
>> I've put alsa:nforce, ALSA:nforce, and alsa9:nforce, in the mythconverg
>> database none seem to have any affect. Any other suggestions?
Mike, have you specified any device names in your .asoundrc?  If not, 
try ALSA:hw:0,1 (This should work for the hardware S/PDIF device on the 
nForce2.  I say should because I haven't tried this with Myth--my 
nForce2 box is not my Myth box.)

If you have defined an "nforce" device that uses the dmix plugin (as on 
the Wiki post), remember that it is expecting ALL of the input to be at 
44100Hz (if you do not specify rate, it will expect all input to be 
48kHz).  If it's expecting 44100Hz and you feed it 48kHz audio, sound 
and video will play slow.  If you feed it 32kHz audio, sound and video 
will play fast.  (Both examples assuming video is sync'ed to sound.)  
Therefore, you might be better off just using the hardware device 
(hw:0,1) or defining an alias for it.



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