[mythtv-users] Mythtv Gentoo Epia M10000 kernel 2.6.1 hardwareacceleration

Eduardo mythtv at ease.mb.ca
Tue Apr 6 12:26:23 EDT 2004

Ever look at using mini-myth? (http://www.linpvr.org) built specifically
for mythfrontends on epia, and thus also has lots of epia users.

David Lodeiro said:
> Hi,
> 	I am sending this email in the hope that someone can see something that I
> am
> missing with my setup. As the title suggests, my setup is a Via Epia
> M10000
> running Gentoo with the 2.6.1 kernel. However, the kernel was using the
> ebuild located at
> http://epia.kalf.org/portage/sys-kernel/epia-dev-sources/
> whick compiled fine and boots, the dmesg is located at
> http://davel.humbug.org.au/dmesg
> and kernel config is located at
> http://davel.humbug.org.au/config
> Xfree was built using the ebuild located at
> http://epia.kalf.org/portage/x11-base/xfree-epia/
> and it was
> xfree-epia-4.4.0-r3.ebuild
> Which emerged without errors. Xfree log is at
> http://davel.humbug.org.au/XFree86.0.log
> and Xfree config is located at
> http://davel.humbug.org.au/XF86Config
> The main problem that I am trying to get resolved is that of hardware
> acceleration, wether it uses onboard mpeg2 decoding or not doesnt bother
> me
> to much at the moment as the 1Ghz processor can handle it. The thing is
> that
> at the moment glxgears only gives me about 60 fps and from what I see
> other
> people are getting about 500 fps. I cant even watch tv with myth or dvd's.
> Framebuffer is working and I can watch mplayer using framebuffer from the
> console. Directfb also works fine, but I cant get hardware acceleration
> working in X.
> One thing that I am a little unclear about is, is it necessary / possible
> to
> use the Xfree binary drivers of the viaarena website? Considering that I
> am
> using a kernel and distro not supported by via.
> My lsmod shows
> Module                  Size  Used by
> via_agp                 6144  1
> via_v4l_drv           130448  0
> via                    50080  1 via_v4l_drv
> Any help would be mush appreciated, this is my last major hurdle in
> completing
> my mythtv setup, I even have my custom bootsplash ready.
> Thank you
> David
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