[mythtv-users] Re:Nupplevideo, why?
mojospam at thegeekclub.net
Mon Jul 7 07:26:20 EDT 2003
Keat Lim wrote:
> You have got to be kidding me... How long did it take you to install
> MythTV? Look at the pain and suffering you had to go through just to
> install it... The only one that was painless was the nvidia video driver
> installation... that actually looks sane and didn't tell me to
> ./configure;make;make install... other than that you might as well take
> two shots of painkillers before even attempting to install MythTV and hope
> to finish by the next day...
it was at least a couple days before i got it working... which is less a
comment about myth than it is about my sorry abilities (and adventures
with bugs in certain distros etc.) but it must have taken me several
weeks of screwing around and several different OS's (and versions of
myth code) before i was happy with it, and theres still much more to
tweak before i call it done.
> Linux still has a loooong way to go as far as an everyday GUI desktop
> replacement...
dunno about the rest of that paragraph but this part is fairly true...
most of us obviously dont have any problems using linux as an everday
GUI, but anyone who would say its ready to replace windows is invited to
try and convince my wife why she should have to learn to compile
programs. she wants to download and double-click and shes no dummy she
likes USING the computer to do things, but she is rather uninterested in
discovering what libraries are required to compile what with the who and
why she needs to know all that just to install something she downloaded...
> That said and done MythTV is definately a hacker's tivo.. impressive for
> what it is and how far it has evolved in such a short time... Tivo would
> do me just fine if I needed it to watch and record TV but I want a
> computer to interface with my video storage w/MythVideo and that makes
> MythTV that much more powerful...
>>Why would anyone in their right mind want to use windoze. The dream is
>>to get away from that environment!
i for one would love to see a windows port of the frontend, it would
make it that much more flexible and usable on my home LAN but i know the
developers dont use it and therefore have little interest in such a
project (I would be the same way if i didnt have any windows machines)
i'd rather not get into the whole great linux vs. windows debate
directly as i understand all to well that this is not the place for it
nor is this a very impartial and objective crowd for a reasonable
debate. I will say this though, I have dealt with many varieties of
people and *nix snobs are often the worst of the bunch... i am not
saying all linux gurus are linux snobs, in fact many are some of the
nicest techies i've ever met, but those who are will tear your head off
first chance they get for mentioning windows. this attitude does little
to support the supposed open-mindedness of the open source community.
If all linux users behaved this way to all windows users you would most
certainly never ever see your goal of being the dominant OS because by
beating up on poor noobs and people that like windows you will merely
drive a greater rift between "us and them" and harden their resolve
against linux. If they leave from their brief visit to the linux camp
scorned and smitten by mean linux snobs and problems they haven't a clue
how to fix then they may not return and they cetainly wont learn as
much. When they fail at what they attempt in linux they will seek help
and when they get smacked and snarled at because they like they mention
that they like their windows computers too they will go back to their
windows machine and pat it on the head and say "maybe your not so bad
after all, at least my windows friends will not yell at me because i
dont know how to re-compile your kernel" and one less linux convert
exists, many are still looking but have yet to 'see the light' in linux
but its not something we're going to see when someone shoves it up our
a**... hehe ;-)... Microsoft (and windows users) may be the enemy in
many ways (i will not dispute their shady unethical business practices)
nor do i wish to purport one OS as prevailing ruler of the universe, i
merely wish to caution those who think their shit smells better than
mine that even if it does smell better, humility is one of the buddhist
paths to enlightenment that might be worth exploring eh?
And even if your lifetime goal is to annhilate all things non-unix and
bring open-source to every desktop machine everywhere then i would still
have to reccommend that you learn to accept and love your enemy for it
is he who defines you as the good guys that you are.
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer."
and my favorite:
"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will
float by."
-- Sun-tzu, the Art of War --
Thank you for reading my rant.
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