[mythtv-users] RE: Commerical Skip problem

Chris Pinkham cpinkham at bc2va.org
Wed Aug 20 14:37:46 EDT 2003

> I'm using a pvr 250, and it seems like it searches for
> a long time, but never finds what it's looking for. 
> When control returns, it always restarts right where
> it was when I presssed 'z'.  

It should stop after quick scanning through 5 minutes of video.  Is your
noisy and maybe it's not seeing frames as blank since they have noise and
are you sure you even have blank frames between commercials?

> Maybe instead of searching for black frames when you
> hit z/q, it could watch for, and flag them as it
> records so at least if it doesn't find any, it doesn't
> have to search for 20 seconds before doing nothing...

Would be nice and it should work that way when using software-encoding.
When you're using hardware encoding, Myth's not doing the encoding so it
can't analyze the raw video unless it plays the video back which is exactly
what it does in the post-record commercial flagging thread.



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