[mythtv-users] Re: Has anyone setup v4l2 succesfully?

Reza Naima reza at reza.net
Fri Aug 15 05:37:08 EDT 2003

> >Then, is there something I have to do to enable v4l2 support?  I
> >couldn't find any mention of what to turn on or off to use that rather
> >than the v4l code.
> Install the kernel. Install your v4l2 driver. The APIs are there. It 
> just works.

I did, and it's still defaulting to the v4l1 API, no tthe v4l2 API..
> >
> >So, if you run 'v4l-conf', what output do you get?
> Dunno. Never touched it before. Is there some reason I should have had 
> to? I just installed the kernel, installed my driver, and it all works.

I actually wanted to see the output you are getting.  It will tell you
if you are actually using v4l2 or v4l1.. Otherwise, how are you so sure
that you are actually using v4l2 other that what's stated in the kernel
manifest?  I tried that exact same kernel, but it still used v4l1...


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