[mythtv-users] Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file

Gary Balliet geekofalltrades at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 13 21:37:54 EDT 2003

Here's the result of patching ZapListings.pm with 

.root/Sources/xmltv/patch Zaplistings.pm < zap2it-0.5.15.patch

after running mythtvsetup the file now.xmltv is created by the grabber



Results in 

Fetching data for Thu Aug 14 2003...
----------------- Start of XMLTV output -----------------
------------------ End of XMLTV output ------------------
Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file


[mythtv at linuxbox .mythtv]$ cat NOW.xmltv
# config file: tv_grab_na 3.20030705
# this file is generated by running tv_grab_na --configure
# the only change you should make is prefixing 'channel:' lines
# with a 'not ' to signal that they should be ignored during the
# grab step
retry limit: 2
retry delay: 30
postal code: v2n3b2
provider: 123130 Shaw Cablesystems - Prince George
channel: 3 CKPG
channel: 4 CIVT
channel: 5 CBUFT
channel: 6 KING
channel: 7 KIRO
channel: 8 KOMO
channel: 9 KCTS
channel: 10 LOCAL
channel: 11 CHAN
channel: 12 YTVP
channel: 13 KNOWC
channel: 14 CNNH
channel: 15 ARTSC
channel: 16 TNNC
channel: 17 CNN
channel: 18 SPONET4
channel: 19 CMT
channel: 20 TLC
channel: 21 WP
channel: 22 TSN
channel: 23 CWEA
channel: 24 TDCC
channel: 25 SHCASEP
channel: 26 LIFENET
channel: 27 KAYU
channel: 28 BRAVOC
channel: 29 CNBC
channel: 30 TLN
channel: 31 TOONCP
channel: 32 TFCP
channel: 33 TBS
channel: 34 COMEDCP
channel: 35 HGTVC
channel: 36 FOODC
channel: 37 OLCC
channel: 38 HISTC
channel: 39 SPACEC
channel: 40 GOLF
channel: 41 SPCCAN
channel: 42 PRIMEP
channel: 43 TREEC
channel: 44 CBNEW
channel: 44 VOICE
channel: 45 CPAC
channel: 46 MUCHMUSIC
channel: 47 CITV
channel: 48 NEWSNET
channel: 49 BNEWS
channel: 50 TSC
channel: 51 VISION
channel: 52 MOMUSIC
channel: 53 TV5
channel: 70 TALKTV
channel: 73 RDI
channel: 74 BCLEG
channel: 75 CFTM
channel: 76 SCR
channel: 77 APTN

Please help me. I am honestly about to wipe and reload -  so far i have
reinstalled mythtv, dropped the db, re-installed xmltv from source.
Don't know what else to do.



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