[mythtv-users] A few odd bugs with cutlists

Ian Westcott ijw1 at pacbell.net
Sun Aug 10 15:36:44 EDT 2003

On Sun, Aug 10, 2003 at 02:03:51PM -0700, Ian Westcott wrote:

> Upon restarting, I couldn't edit the cutlist anymore either. After poking
> around through the database, I noticed the editing field in that  
> program's recorded entry was set to 1 (makes since, since I killed
> mythfrontend). Upon setting it back to 0, I could edit the cutlist again,
> although all the cuts I had previously made were gone.

And one last bug I just noticed.. on one of these programs that had this
problem, the "starttime" in the database mysteriously changed to today:

mysql> select title,chanid,starttime,endtime,editing,cutlist from
recorded where title='batman';
| title  | chanid | starttime      | endtime        | editing | cutlist
| Batman |   1042 | 20030810141420 | 20030705190000 |       0 | 0 - 6150
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Now I couldn't have done this myself while looking through the DB,
20030810141420 is a pretty specific value to have put in, and I didn't do
it myself. When I go to play the file, it complains:
Error: /home/myth/tv/1042_20030810141400_20030705190000.nuv file not found
Although the original file is there with its original name:

-rw-r--r--    1 myth     myth     2731591779 Jul  5 19:00  /home/myth/tv/1042_20030705160000_20030705190000.nuv

After fixing it in the DB, all was normal again...


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