[mythtv] web app build warnings

Ian Campbell ijc at hellion.org.uk
Mon Oct 9 11:17:05 UTC 2023

On Mon, 2023-10-09 at 12:03 +0100, Paul Harrison wrote:
> The way I read it is we can't use v14 or v15 because they are LTS 
> releases, which can't be used in open source projects, but we could use 
> v16 but only until v17 is released when v16 will also become an LTS 
> release. Am I understanding that correctly? What happens if we move to 
> v16 which later becomes an LTS release are we then forced to move to v17 
> for the next 6 months and so one. If that is true then that just sucks 
> :( It sounds like they are using the open source community as beta 
> testers for their releases which they then push to there licensed users 
> as the LTS releases?

They can't relicense existing releases, they are out there under the
MIT which cannot be revoked.

So AIUI if v16.0.X is the last OSS release and v16.0.(X+1) is the first
non-free LTS release made after v17 comes out, you can keep using
v16.0.X but you cannot bump to (X+1) without paying, you'll have
instead to go to OSS v17.0.B. There will also be some final OSS v14 and
v15 which could be used as stepping stones too.

It seems like there would be no Support for v16.0.X at that point (at
least not from the owners, I assume community support still exists),
but I don't know to what extent the myth devs are using that anyway...

So not great, but maybe not as catastrophic as it first seemed.


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