[mythtv] Seg Fault in mediacodec

Peter Bennett pb.mythtv at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 20:58:44 UTC 2018

On 07/05/2018 04:49 PM, Aman Gupta wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 4:04 PM Peter Bennett <pb.mythtv at gmail.com 
> <mailto:pb.mythtv at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 07/05/2018 01:08 PM, David Engel wrote:
>>>     I reduced the number of buffers so that it displays a couple of frames
>>>     before crashing. I see a fat green line along the bottom. I suspect that it
>>>     is trying to use a frame size of 1920x1088 instead of 1920x1080 (see the
>>>     trace I sent, it shows slice-height 1088). I plan to step through the ffmpeg
>>>     code and see if perhaps it is copying 8 rows more than it should. I don't
>>>     know what the slice-height refers to, but it looks suspicious.
>>>     It may be that the problem is associated with 1080 rows. Of the resolutions
>>>     I have tried, only 1080 is not divisible by 16. I have tried 480, 720, 2160
>>>     - all work without seg fault.
>>     You could be on to something.  The a/v side of things is not an area
>>     with which I'm intimately familier, however, I vaguely recall various
>>     issues with 1080 vs. 1088 popping up in the past.  Where's Mike Dean
>>     when we need him?:)
>     It turns out that is in fact the cause of the crash. The second
>     plane in the buffer follows on immediately after 1080 lines of the
>     first plane, but the code assumes it is after 1088 lines of the
>     first plane, based on slice_height. Is slice_height supposed to
>     tell the height of the plane? It crashes on copying data for the
>     second plane when it hits the actual end of the data and starts
>     accessing addresses beyond that.
>     This is the patch that fixes it. Instead of using slice_height
>     here, use height. I suspect that this may cause a failure in
>     Nougat or other systems if they do in fact have a gap between planes.
>     --- a/mythtv/external/FFmpeg/libavcodec/mediacodec_sw_buffer.c
>     +++ b/mythtv/external/FFmpeg/libavcodec/mediacodec_sw_buffer.c
>     @@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ void
>     ff_mediacodec_sw_buffer_copy_yuv420_semi_planar(AVCodecContext *avctx,
>              } else if (i == 1) {
>                  height = avctx->height / 2;
>     -            src += s->slice_height * s->stride;
>     +            src += s->height * s->stride;
>                  src += s->crop_top * s->stride;
>                  src += s->crop_left;
>              }
>     Aman - please let me know if this is the correct fix and if you
>     can incorporate it into FFmpeg.
> I'm not very familiar with the s/w decoding code paths. I believe this 
> part of the code came from gstreamer so it might be useful to see what 
> (if anything) they've done to deal with Oreo.
> If this breaks Nougat then obviously it cannot be committed as-is.
> IIRC slice_height is supposed to return the size of the buffer so I'm 
> pretty sure the correct thing to do here is to continue using 
> slice_height. It's possible that adding the crop values on top is 
> what's causing the buffer overflow- maybe those weren't set before Oreo?
> Aman
>     Peter

Here is the output from explore on my Oreo system when it got the seg 
fault. You can see that crop_left is zero so leaving that out will not 
help. It seems to me that this may be a bug in Oreo or the Shield 
version of it.

   The value of '*s' is of type 'MediaCodecDecContext' which is a 
typedef of type 'struct MediaCodecDecContext'
The value of '*s' is a struct/class of type 'struct 
MediaCodecDecContext' with the following fields:

                  avctx = <Enter 0 to explore this field of type 
'AVCodecContext *'>
               refcount = 1 .. (Value of type 'atomic_int')
        hw_buffer_count = 0 .. (Value of type 'atomic_int')
             codec_name = <Enter 3 to explore this field of type 'char *'>
                  codec = <Enter 4 to explore this field of type 
'FFAMediaCodec *'>
                 format = <Enter 5 to explore this field of type 
'FFAMediaFormat *'>
                surface = <Enter 6 to explore this field of type 'void *'>
                started = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
               draining = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
               flushing = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
                    eos = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
                  width = 1920 .. (Value of type 'int')
                 height = 1080 .. (Value of type 'int')
                 stride = 1920 .. (Value of type 'int')
           slice_height = 1088 .. (Value of type 'int')
           color_format = 21 .. (Value of type 'int')
               crop_top = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
            crop_bottom = 1079 .. (Value of type 'int')
              crop_left = 0 .. (Value of type 'int')
             crop_right = 1919 .. (Value of type 'int')
          display_width = 1920 .. (Value of type 'int')
         display_height = 1080 .. (Value of type 'int')
    output_buffer_count = <Enter 22 to explore this field of type 
   current_input_buffer = <Enter 23 to explore this field of type 'ssize_t'>
            delay_flush = false .. (Value of type '_Bool')
                 serial = 1 .. (Value of type 'atomic_int')

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