[mythtv] mythtranscode --fifodir removing original file

Mark Perkins perkins1724 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 17 07:17:09 UTC 2016

> On 17 Feb 2016, at 12:18 pm, Tim Pletcher <pletchtd at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am running master MythTV Version : v0.28-pre-3578-g96d4686 and attempting to employ mythtranscode with the --fifodir option to pipe to ffmpeg for transcoding in a temporary working directory. Everything is working as expected however the mythtranscode operation appears to remove the original .ts file after the operation completes. This leaves the database with an orphan record pointing to a now missing file.  I can work around this by making a backup of the original, performing the transcode, and then copying the backup to replace the then missing original file but this is obviously a clunky solution.
> In the brief searching I performed, it looks like this issue with fifodir was mentioned in the comments associated with issue #12385 but it isn't clear to me if the patch addressed this aspect.  
> Has anyone else had this issue or is it user error?
> Tim
> _______________________________________________

Yes I noted this behavior about 4 months ago when I had an aborted attempt at moving to master. Although I had a number of issues at the time (hence 'aborted') and assumed it was user error. I had intended to go back and verify but have not done so yet and there are other things I want to test first.
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