[mythtv] Table for Upcoming Recordings

R. G. Newbury newbury at mandamus.org
Fri Oct 10 18:09:42 UTC 2014

On 10/10/14 01:16 PM, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> On 10/10/2014 12:39 PM, R. G. Newbury wrote:
>> Must have been a power flicker. Could not have been a full outage. I
>> really do need to get the replacement battery for the UPS and move it
>> from the office to home!
> Yes, I didn't mention the fact that in-progress recordings will still
> show because you had mentioned a power outage and a reboot, which
> implied a backend restart.

It was not a full outage. None of the clocks in the house showed the 
usual outage effects. And if it had been a full outage, the backend 
would have been cleared and re-started.

It was something in between, probably just enough to de-state the hdhr 
tuner but not enough to drop the box. At least, that is my best guess..

>  And, FWIW, keep in mind in the future that a
> backend restart is generally the easiest first action to take when you
> notice something that seems wrong.  (Of course, we're running GNU/Linux,
> and true power users will tell you it never needs rebooted and
> applications never need restarted.  IMHO, they do this only because they
> enjoy seeing someone squirm and waste time for 3 days trying to identify
> and properly fix whatever is wrong, basically reinitializing the system
> and applications--something which system shutdown/startup scripts are
> designed to do, and do in a couple minutes or less.  While it's true
> there's probably a way to avoid a reboot/restart in many or most
> circumstances, there's something to be said for not having to spend
> hours/days/weeks/months looking for the problem and/or approach for
> fixing it, not to mention the confidence provided by a known-working
> mechanism for properly reinitializing the system and applications.)

It is always a case of choosing the right course of action. Uptime is a 
great indicator of stability. I have a VOIP setup which made 243 days. 
But then, I literally NEVER touch it!

The myth box, on the other hand usually gets 'player' with every week. 
So a restart is nothing. I did not happen too in this case, because I 
did all my table spelunking over ssh *while the mythbox was in use* and 
I could not recycle it. (Not that I would have necessarily thought that 
that was indicated... Tuner problems yes, but not this error as I did 
not think it was an internally retained state.

You are entirely correct that messing about *requires* reboot. Stability 
is something else.

              R. Geoffrey Newbury			
            Barrister and Solicitor
       Suite 106, 150 Lakeshore Road West
          Mississauga, Ontario, L5H 3R2

        t905-271-9600 f905-271-1638
               newbury at mandamus.org

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