[mythtv] MythStream coding help

Josu Lazkano josu.lazkano at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 12:40:01 UTC 2011

Hello all, I am trying to use MythStream plugin to manage a PeerCast
server streams. I am using debian-multimedia.org repository version. I
need to execute a bash script before start the plugin and then execute
other bash script when I press a key (inside the plugin) to update
stream list.

I have no idea how to do that, I am looking on the code but I can not
get it working. I modify some parts of the code to adapt it to
PeerCast streams, it works well, but I need to update the stream list
(actually I do it manually with a bash script).

If anyone want to help me, please contact me, I will appreciate your
help. I am lost with this code.

Thanks for all your help and best regards.

Here is the code:

Josu Lazkano

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