[mythtv] Trailing spaces in callsigns

Xavier Hervy xavier.hervy at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 16:16:19 UTC 2011

I did know it was already on master.
I just tried but accessing to the setup require a login/password
What are the default one?
Thank you for this most expected feature
Ps: I don't really meant to top post but mobile phone don't make it easy

Sent from Samsung Mobile

 Robert McNamara <robert.mcnamara at gmail.com> wrote: 

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Jerry Rubinow <jerrymr at gmail.com> wrote:

> I set up a machine just for developing the patch, and it's using master.  I
> haven't set up the web server yet, but I will in order to test the mythweb
> change, and then I can see what the web setup looks like as well.\

You don't set up a webserver for it, the backend runs it on port 6544.

> I didn't see an obvious candidate for the change you mentioned in the
> one-line summaries of your public activity on github.  Can you give me a
> pointer?

It's the latest commit to the mythtv repository.


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