[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #10072: [PATCH] freemheg: Support bitmap backgrounds used by BBC/Freesat

David Matthews dm at prolingua.co.uk
Mon Oct 3 11:36:41 UTC 2011

On 02/10/2011 14:58, MythTV wrote:
> #10072: [PATCH] freemheg: Support bitmap backgrounds used by BBC/Freesat
> -------------------------------------------------+-------------------------
>   Reporter:  Lawrence Rust<lvr@…>                 |           Type:  Patch -
>     Status:  new                                  |  Feature
> Milestone:  unknown                              |       Priority:  minor
>    Version:  Trunk Head                           |      Component:  MythTV
>   Keywords:  MHEG background bitmap               |  - General
>                                                   |       Severity:  medium
>                                                   |  Ticket locked:  0
> -------------------------------------------------+-------------------------

Thank you for doing this and for the other patches.  I had hoped to look 
at this myself but I've been rather busy with other things.  Have you 
been able to find a copy of the MHEG profile for Freesat?  I did enquire 
about this when Freesat first appeared but it seemed it was being kept 
under wraps.  Anything that was implemented was just what I could guess.

Currently I can't actually test this and the other patches because I'm 
limited to terrestrial at the moment but I'll definitely test them out 
once I get my satellite dish back.


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