[mythtv] EIT disable per card

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Sat Feb 2 10:23:38 UTC 2008

Tim Jordan wrote:
> Is there a way through the database or other of selectively disabling  
> EIT scanning? I have 2 NOVA-t 500's and a usb2 NOVA-t and at the  
> moment am rebooting every morning as the eit crawl through the night  
> is causing the 500's drivers to break. The linuxtv site has this as an  
> acknowledged problem.
> If there isn't what would be the best way about doing this and if I  
> did get my hands dirty and implement it is likely to be accepted?
> My initial thoughts were an extra checkbox on the capturecard screen  
> and subsequent setting in the capturecard setting (set to on by  
> default to cover existing behaviour) which the eit crawl checks to see  
> if the card is available for crawl.
> Tim

Try at Mythtvsetup -> General ->  ->  ->   EIT Scanner Options  -> Cross 
Source EIT

John P

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